Presentação Qualified

We're on a mission to change how companies generate pipeline - meet the PipelineAI!
Here at Qualified, we’re looking to disrupt the modern pipeline generation process by giving marketing and sales leaders a newer, faster way to grow pipeline. Why? Because the old B2B pipeline generation process is broken. Every company drives traffic to one place: their corporate website. But until now, companies have had no way of knowing who’s on their site, and no way of meeting with their best buyers, instantly. Qualified facilitates instant sales conversations - one click to chat, voice, and video - to unlock an entirely new pipeline generation channel.

Stack técnica

Política de trabalho remoto

Fully remote

Dados de recrutamento de desenvolvedores na Qualified

Nível de experiência buscado pela Qualified


Tipo de contrato buscado pela Qualified


Redes sociais

Alguns números


Vagas abertas na Qualified 0

Qualified não possui atualmente nenhuma vaga ativa na plataforma de contractualisation de desenvolvedores ProgramaThor.

Perguntas e respostas sobre Qualified

A empresa Qualified foi criada em 2018.